OR Tambo International Airport Contacts Directory

Contact telephone numbers directory for airport helpdesk, flight information and more.

Johannesburg - OR Tambo International Airport contacts directory is provided, containing contact telephone numbers for ACSA, airport authorities and other airport contacts.

For contacting the airlines that operate from OR Tambo International Airport, airline contact telephone numbers and website links can be found on our flight routes pages: domestic flight routes, regional flight routes and international flight routes.

For contacting shops or services at OR Tambo International Airport, contact numbers and location maps can be found on our shops and services page and for contacting food and drink outlets at OR Tambo International Airport, contact numbers and location maps can be found on our food and drink page.

OR Tambo Airport Contacts Directory

OR Tambo Airport Contacts Directory
ACSA Main Switchboard +27 (0)11 921 6773 or +27 (0)11 921 6242
ACSA Helpdesk +27 (0)11 921 6262
Flight Information +27 (0)11 727 7888
SAPS Airport Police Service +27 (0)11 977 5511
Airport Clinic +27 (0)11 921 6039 or +27 (0)11 921 6609
Parking Management +27 (0)11 921 6091
Car Park Shuttle Service +27 (0)11 391 3699
SARS (South African Customs) 0800 00 7277
Postal Address Private Bag X1
OR Tambo International Airport